Thursday, September 01, 2011


" Bobo s in Paradise " by David Brookes.

 " Through out the 20 the century, it's been pretty easty to distinguish betwen the bourgeois world of capatilasm and the bohemian coounter culture.

The bourgeoisie were the square , practical ones. They defended the tradition and middle class morality. They worked for corporations, livied in suburbs and wen to church. Meanwhile, the bohemians were the free spirits who flouted convention. They were the artists and the intellectuals - the hippies and the Beats.

In the old schema, the bohemians championed the values of the radical 1960s and the bourgeois were the entreprising yuppies of the 1990 s. The intangilble world of information merges with the matiral world of money, and new phrases that combine the 2, such as ' intellectual capita;' , and ' the culture indusry' come into bogue. So, the people who thrive in this period are the ones who can turn ideas and emotions into products.

These are highly educated olk who have one foot in the bohemian world of creativity and another foot in the bourgeois realm of ambition and worldy success. The members of the new information age elite are bouregois bhomians. Or , thto take the first 2 letter of each word, they are, ' Bobo' s. These Bobo s defind our age. Theya re the new establishment. Then, hybrid culture is the atmosphere we all breathe. Their status codes now govern social life. Their moral codes give structure to our personal lives !

( there is also amazon link )


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