Thursday, December 08, 2005


"Dynamic Markets" by Robert Prechter

Is Buy Gold really the only answer to adeclining US dollar, or the rise and fall ofequity valuations? If goldisreally your best strategic defenceagainst excessive market fluctuations, how come it is still priced at the levels refelcting just one third of its bubblevaluations in the 970s and 980 s? Now, don't get me wrong here ;we actually like gold We think it is part of prudent diversificationof assetsto keep may be 5% of your port folio in bullion.We also have liked - and profited from positions in select mining stocks,especially when entered and exited at the proper time...

But Gold is just an asset,one out the many that can be harnesses to hbuild wealth in the Dynamic Marketenvironment.And the more asset groups you include in your viewof the markets, the better your chances to have one ( orseveral) working for you at any given time.This is the principal insight ofDynamic Market Theory. Castyournets wideenough,and you will be able to rofit handsomely from the major and minor fluctuations ofequity markets, internationalindexes, currencies, hard assets, real estate, and technologies.

Supplement short - and mediumterm profits with long term rotective strategies, such as calls or puts on individual indexes. And most importantly, don't get overly enamoured with any particular investing philosohy.Pay as much attention to finanialplanning as you would,tothe maintenance of your car.

Amazon link to the author :

other 5-star rated books of thesame author : " Socionomics: Science of history and social prediction" ( 5-star)
"At the crest of Tidal Wave " ( 4.5 rating)

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