Saturday, February 17, 2007
'cycles ' by Maddy Dychtwald
age as a defining parameter ( 17 feb 07)
" We are at the dawn of a Life Cycle revoluton. Spurred by the convergence of a number of poweful cultural , technological, and demographic forces, the way we live, work, and buy -is beginning to change radically.
We no longer live life in a series of predictable life passages. We are breaking free of age related lifesyle expectations that defined us. We are no longer buying produts and series based on this neat , age-oriented marketing model.
What is happening is that, we are moving from a rigid linear approach to life - to a more flexible , cyclic life ; a new path that ins't as straight or narrow as it used to be. There are more curves in the road and a multitude of divergent side paths that some of us might choose to try. Perhaps the most important is the fact that the roles and activities we choose are much less likely to be determined by how old we are !
It not unusual to see a 35-year old or a 65-year old starting a new career or business ; a 30-year old or a 60-year old getting married ; a 45-year old or a 25-year old graducating from a school.
Age is no longer the ultimate definer of who we are, what we're doing and how we feel on the inside,what groups we're a member of, or the products and service we demand from the markeplace.
We are being liberated from a life of one-way passages to a life cycle with a nearly unlimited set of choices, options, and possibilities availagle at ANY age - to anyone with the vision and courage to seize the day !!
" We are at the dawn of a Life Cycle revoluton. Spurred by the convergence of a number of poweful cultural , technological, and demographic forces, the way we live, work, and buy -is beginning to change radically.
We no longer live life in a series of predictable life passages. We are breaking free of age related lifesyle expectations that defined us. We are no longer buying produts and series based on this neat , age-oriented marketing model.
What is happening is that, we are moving from a rigid linear approach to life - to a more flexible , cyclic life ; a new path that ins't as straight or narrow as it used to be. There are more curves in the road and a multitude of divergent side paths that some of us might choose to try. Perhaps the most important is the fact that the roles and activities we choose are much less likely to be determined by how old we are !
It not unusual to see a 35-year old or a 65-year old starting a new career or business ; a 30-year old or a 60-year old getting married ; a 45-year old or a 25-year old graducating from a school.
Age is no longer the ultimate definer of who we are, what we're doing and how we feel on the inside,what groups we're a member of, or the products and service we demand from the markeplace.
We are being liberated from a life of one-way passages to a life cycle with a nearly unlimited set of choices, options, and possibilities availagle at ANY age - to anyone with the vision and courage to seize the day !!