Saturday, April 19, 2008


"System Improvement " by Sam Carpenter.

Learn to work the system !!

And not just one ; work ALL systems in your control, viz., social, work, financial, biological, and mechanical. Life is serious business, and whether you know it or not, your personal systems are the threads of the fabric of your life. Together, they add up to you.

But, if you are like most people, you negotiate the day enmeshed in haphazard detail without seeing the systems of your life - as singular entities that they are, some working well and some not working so well.

If you are like most people, you defensively deal with the products - the results - of inefficient sysetms !!

In the complexity that is your life, what if you could distinctly see each of these separate systems ? Then, what if you could reach in and pluck a 'not-so-perfect system' out of that complexity, and make it perfect, and then re-insert it ?

What if you could perform this mechanical process with every SYSTEM that comprises your life ?

How can you take control of life and things and be on the offensive ? The short answer is that, by assertively repairing yours systems of your life - by implementing the process of system-improvement, you can build the life you want !

It's a simple reality that - if all the sub-systems of a primary system are working superbly, the primary system will work superbly , too !

With this system-improvement approach, you can re-engineer your life, piece by piece, to make it exactly what you want it to be, without having to count on luck, providenc, or someone else's largesse.

Exercises :

1. Review all ' sub-systems' of your life. Social ( relationships), work ( professional), Financial , Biological ( health and wellness) , and mechanical ( daily routine).

Which aspect are working well ? Which aspects of each sub unit, not working well. What are the things that need improvement ?

Realistic time frames for bringing in the needed improvements ? Days / weeks / months ?

By bringing in the needed improvements, will ' over all change in life' happen ? How ?

Excerpt from " System Improvement " by Sam Carpenter .

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