Friday, September 10, 2010


Rules for Revolutionaries by Guy Kawasaki

Rules for revolutionaries

Posted on September 10, 2010 | Author: Guy Kawasaki | View 4

Thinking digital means using technology to look at real data, track interactions with customers, and mine for information to serve people better. It requires thinking clearly and precisely rather than relying on hearsay, habits, and prejudices. Acting analog means using a personal touch.

No revolution ever succeeded without a high degree of analog contact — no matter how great your product, how leveraged your marketing, or how cool your website.

When all is browsed, e-mailed, voice-mailed, and faxed, it's still an analog world ... Great as it can be, digital technology can also create negative feelings by invading people's privacy or simply being a pain in the ass.

Digital power is easy to abuse, so keep these third principles in mind when you're thinking digital. First, never require customers to give you, personal information. The information might be crucial for your database and direct marketing efforts, but that's your problem, not your customers'.

Second, if your customers are willing to give you this information, use it but use it judiciously. That is, don't inundate them with marketing and sales crap. Third, don't collect information if you're not going to do something with it.

Ideally, you and your customers should both derive value from the information they provide. Short of this, at least your customers should get some value.

But if it's only you that derives value, then you're hassling your customers for insufficient reason. Being a customer of your company should never entail the burden of being mere data for your research projects.

From ' Rules for Revolutionaries' by Guy Kawasaki.

Amazon link, here !

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