Saturday, October 02, 2010


Happiness Transformation

The happiness transformation
Posted on October 2, 2010 | Author: Andrew Lawrence |

PART of true happiness involves being of service.Being of service to others.Being of service means helping others.Without being of service and helping others,you will never feel totally happy,you will always feel incomplete and somewhat unfulfilled,as if something is missing from your life.

There are many ways you can help others.Being of service to others can take many forms and can be active or passive.Active service can be volunteering or donating your time through organisations that help others.You could volunteer at your local Red Cross,hospital or one of the many charitable organisations in your area.Or you could donate money.Or you could make an effort to help people directly,by being available to people who need help and could benefit from your talents and experience and expertise.Lawyers do this when they supply their legal services pro bono,for free.Each of us has a unique and special talent for something.Each of us has something that we love to do,that we do exceptionally well.That something,that natural talent and ability,is a good thing to use in helping others.

And,in doing that,in helping others,you will be fulfilled,you will fulfil your higher purpose in life.It's not always about having professional experience and expertise or special education in a given field (such as law,medicine,finance,etc.),it's about helping others.Being of service to others,helping others,can make you happy.And it can change the world.


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