Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Fiscal Attraction & Entrepreneurship

Fiscal Fatal attraction and idiosynchracies of entrepreneurs

How Money Impacts Marriage

When it comes to marriage, do opposites attract? Or do birds of a 

feather flock together? While men and women are known to 

gravitate toward mates with personal qualities similar to their own 

in most respects, Wharton marketing professor Deborah Small 

found the opposite to be true when it comes to money.

find that stingy spenders tend to marry those who splurge freely, 

and vice versa. The pattern amounts to "fatal attraction," the 

researchers argue, because it causes conflicts over money and 

thus has a negative effect on marital well-being.

"There's a lot of academic literature and interest in individual 

decision making, [but what has been] largely neglected is that 

people are often making decisions jointly and the outcomes of 

financial decisions affect other people," Small says. "It's important 

to understand that even though two individuals are involved in a 

decision and are being affected by it, their attitudes and 

preferences may not be aligned."

he majority of relationship research suggests that people are 

attracted to those with similar demographic characteristics, 

attitudes, values and even names. But Small and her co-authors 

based their hypothesis of spendthrift/tightwad attraction on a 

theory that men and women also tend to seek out a mate who 

has qualities that are the stark opposite of those they most strongly 

deplore in themselves -- in this case, the tendency to spend too 

much or too little.

Two subsequent experiments asked different sets of respondents to 

rate their own and their spouses' behavior on the spendthrift-

tightwad scale. In both cases, the researchers found that stingy 

spenders were more likely to be married to profligates and high-

rollers gravitated toward the miserly.

People might think "that someone on the other end of the 

spectrum might heal them in some way," Rick notes. "If I'm a 

tightwad, I want to find a spendthrift to loosen me up, because 

tightwads by definition want to loosen up. Spendthrifts also by 

definition want to change their behavior.... They might think that 

an opposite would help reel in that misbehavior. That [is not] what 

we find."

Even though these couples may have assumed that marrying an 

opposite when it came to money would balance out their own 

behavior and lead to greater financial health, Small and her co-

authors discovered that such matches did not necessarily make for 

happier relationships. Indeed, the research shows that conflicts 

over money created more marital strife for these "opposites 

attract" couplings. "We have some findings suggesting that two 

spendthrifts are happier than a spendthrift and a tightwad [even 

though] two spendthrifts are much more likely to end up in debt 

and have other financial problems," Small says. "It's not clear that 

what makes you happier is also going to make you more financially 


the current findings suggest that couples should talk about 

financial habits and practices early on in a relationship, and form a 

set of shared expectations, plans and goals. "I think doing that 

helps people recognize if the differences are too broad to 

overcome," she adds.

"Entrepreneurs create so much wealth in our society, but we don't 

understand what makes a person become an entrepreneur," says 

Wharton finance professor Nikolai Roussanov. "This question of 'why' 

is fascinating for economists because entrepreneurs benefit society 

as a whole to such a great degree. We would be worse off without 


"Why do certain people take the entrepreneurial leap?"

His conclusion is that entrepreneurs have unique social aspirations 

that other people typically don't share. "They weigh risks and 

outcomes differently," he notes, which leads to atypical, but 

rational, conclusions about risks and opportunities. Contrary to 

common perception, entrepreneurs are not less averse to taking 

chances; they simply view relative hazards with a different eye.

Socially, Roussanov says, aspiring entrepreneurs do not want to 

merely keep up with the proverbial Jones; they want to get 

marginally ahead of them. "Absolute wealth is not as important to 

them as relative wealth." Entrepreneurs also save more and spend 

less as a portion of their incomes than other people, according to 

Roussanov. The consumptive value of money isn't their motivation. 

Rather it's the social esteem that comes with achieving 

incrementally greater wealth than they had previously, and than 

their perceived peer group has. Of course, "Who 'the Jones' are 

changes as you progress," Roussanov points out. "First you think, 'I 

know these guys are successful and I would like to be like them.' But 

as you progress, you change your comparisons. You want to be in 

the Forbes 400, then in the top 10 and so forth.

In his paper, Roussanov notes that "if the satisfaction brought by 

'getting ahead of the Joneses' outweighs the danger of falling 

behind, risky activities with highly idiosyncratic payoffs, such as 

entrepreneurship, can be particularly attractive." By contrast, 

"Other people may not have this preference for status. They look at 

the risks and say, 'This is too much for me.'"

What is perplexing about an entrepreneur's endeavors, Roussanov 

adds, is that, "from an economist's point of view, the risk in 

entrepreneurial ventures is high." These people "commit a large 

fraction of their human and financial capital to their ventures, thus 

exposing themselves to large undiversified risks," he writes in the 

paper. "Economic theory predicts that higher risk should be 

compensated by higher average return, [yet] returns on 

undiversified entrepreneurial investments are no higher than the 

average return on publicly traded equity."

For Luxury Goods Aficionados, Knowledge Equals Wealth

Many consumers buy high-end products to signal wealth and 

status to those around them, aided by explicit branding such as a 

large Mercedes symbol on the front of a car. But if consumers buy 

expensive goods in part to clearly communicate things like status 

to others, why would shoppers spend thousands of dollars on 

handbags or other goods that have no visible logos?

In the paper, "Subtle Signals of Inconspicuous Consumption," 

Wharton marketing professor Jonah Berger and Morgan Ward, a 

marketing professor at Southern Methodist University, suggest that 

manufacturers of consumer goods wanting to sell to a high-end, 

niche customer base should offer exclusive product lines with 

smaller logos and more subtle branding elements. Based on studies 

of consumer preference among ordinary shoppers and those who 

were more fashion conscious, the researchers found that "insiders" 

in a given consumption range (e.g., fashionistas, car enthusiasts, 

etc.) prefer products that identified them as being "in the know" 

only to a select group of peers.

The consumer study groups examined products with both highly 

visible branding, such as the word "Gucci" emblazoned in tall 

letters on a handbag, and more subtle signals of price -- for 

example, the signature cherry-red soles on Christian Louboutin 


The majority of "typical" consumers preferred the products with 

larger brand identifiers, and tended to misidentify products with 

subtler branding. Among products with subtle signals, "typical" 

consumers "thought the high-priced options were no more 

expensive than their cheap alternatives," the authors write. But 

the "insiders," in this case fashion students or people with an affinity 

for high fashion, not only could tell the difference between a low-

cost generic item and a high-priced item with a tiny logo, but also 

preferred the subtly-branded products.

To understand such "insider" shoppers, companies need to realize 

that the handbag these shoppers carry or shoes they wear is 

largely about sending signals, Berger notes, almost like 

communicating a coded message to members of a select group. 

"A Rolex is a widely recognized status symbol, but might be looked 

down upon by true watch enthusiasts," the paper states. "A 

Vacheron Constantin, on the other hand, will be invisible to most 

people, but respected by watch aficionados."

Another lesson, conversely, is that being selective with branding 

techniques comes with risk. A consumer goods company that 

wants to target high-end shoppers might select a subtle pattern or 

small logo, but that could turn off the majority of shoppers -- those 

who can't tell the difference between a cheaper product and the 

expensive item."Most people think a $6,000 Bottega Veneta bag is 

no more expensive that a cheap Wal-Mart bag that has no logo," 

Berger says.

According to Berger and Ward, from the point of view of an 

"insider," being identified as such is vitally important, to the point 

that they will opt for possibly being mistaken for lower-end shoppers 

by the masses in exchange for recognition by their fellow high-

fashion fans. The researchers also suggest that "discretely marked 

products, subtle but distinct styles or high-end brands that fly 

beneath the radar" have a longer life on the market than their less 

expensive, more loudly branded alternatives.

"The value of signals is that they distinguish social groups, so when 

outsiders start copying insiders' signals, insiders may abandon that 

product and search for a new signal," Berger says. "Because explicit 

signals, like large logos, are easier to observe, they are more likely to 

be poached or copied, and thus more likely to eventually be 

abandoned in favor of a new group marker."

That has clear implications for products with explicit brand 

markings, even on expensive high-end products. "Explicit status 

symbols may generate large sales in the short term, but this will only 

persist if enough of the buyers are truly wealthy," the researchers 

write. "If not, the symbolic value will shift towards being a marker of 

the wannabe rich, and sales will decline as consumers search for 

the next aspirational symbol."

More generally, the researchers suggest, the role of wealth as a 

status marker is changing, being replaced by knowledge or 

"cultural capital." With the expansion of credit and leasing 

programs, and the wider availability of knockoff items, "it is a lot 

easier now for someone who is not truly wealthy to be able to 

purchase something that seems expensive," Berger notes. "Cultural 

capital, though, remains elusive. Acquiring the right knowledge 

requires time, effort and the right connections -- things that are 

hard to fake."


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