Sunday, November 25, 2012


" Voluntary Regulation & Ethics " by Francesca Gino - E.T. dated 17.Oct.2012

" One powerful tool, at least in theory, that policy makers can rely on , to stem cheating is - regulation through monitoring and sanctions !
But regulation will not really help, when individuals and firms who are supposed to be regulated, may have the ability to determine, how much regulation they face, or even whether they face it at all  !
While monitoring and regulation can be used to combat socially costly unethical conduct, their intended targets are often able to avoid regulation or hide their behaviour.
This surrenders at least part of the effectiveness of regulatory policies to firms and individuals' decisions to voluntarily submit to regulation. We study individuals decisions to avoid monitoring or regulation and , thus, enhance their ability to engage in unethical conduct. We conduct a laboratory experiment in which partipants engage in a competitive task and can decide between having the opportunity to misreport their performance or having their performance verified by an external monitor. To study the effect of social factors on the willingness to be subject to monitoring, we vary whether participants make this decision simultaneously with others or sequentially as well as whether the decision is private or public. The opportunity to avoid being submitted to regulation produce more unethical conduct than when regulation is imposed or is absent !


What's wrong about you ? - by Heidi Hal Vorson

" What  are wrong about you ! " by Heidi Hal Vorson. 02.Aug.2012.

" If you want to be more successful, at anything - than you are right now, you need to know yourself and your skills. And

when you fall short of yur goals, you need to know why !

This should be no problem, after all, who knows better than you do ? And yet, your own ratings of your pesonality traits - for

instance, how  open minded , conscientious, or impulsive you are - correlate with the impression of other people ( who

know you well ( at around 0.4.) So, how  you see yourself and how others see you - are only MODESTLY correlated !

The reserach suggests that other people's assessment of your personality predicts your behaviour, on average, better than

your assessment does ! The truth is, we don't know ourselves nearly as well as we think we do 1
At the root of the problem is the human brain itself. There's a lot of going on in there, but just because it's your brain doesn't

mean - you know what it's doing.

In his book, ' strangers to ourselves', psychologist Timothy Wildson summarises decades of research on what he calls our

adaptive unconscious  , showing us, just how much of what we do during every moment of every day , what we think ,

how we feel, the goals we pursue and hte actions we take - is happening below our conscious awareness.

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