Sunday, November 25, 2012


What's wrong about you ? - by Heidi Hal Vorson

" What  are wrong about you ! " by Heidi Hal Vorson. 02.Aug.2012.

" If you want to be more successful, at anything - than you are right now, you need to know yourself and your skills. And

when you fall short of yur goals, you need to know why !

This should be no problem, after all, who knows better than you do ? And yet, your own ratings of your pesonality traits - for

instance, how  open minded , conscientious, or impulsive you are - correlate with the impression of other people ( who

know you well ( at around 0.4.) So, how  you see yourself and how others see you - are only MODESTLY correlated !

The reserach suggests that other people's assessment of your personality predicts your behaviour, on average, better than

your assessment does ! The truth is, we don't know ourselves nearly as well as we think we do 1
At the root of the problem is the human brain itself. There's a lot of going on in there, but just because it's your brain doesn't

mean - you know what it's doing.

In his book, ' strangers to ourselves', psychologist Timothy Wildson summarises decades of research on what he calls our

adaptive unconscious  , showing us, just how much of what we do during every moment of every day , what we think ,

how we feel, the goals we pursue and hte actions we take - is happening below our conscious awareness.

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